A European project initated by the Han University , supported by the European Commission under the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. Eleven countries involved : the Netherlands, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy , Lithuania , Norway and the United Kingdom. Here is the website : www.vpl4.eu. Here is a synthesis of Iriv's contribution.
Valuation of Prior Learning (VPL) is the designation of a broad outlook on the implemenation of lifelong learning. The challenge is therefore to change the social-economic system into a flexible and fast-adapting system to the quickly changing need for competences on the labour market. In the context of the knowledge society, VPL addresses this need by showing the real human potential on the basis of the analysis and valuation of personal competences. VPL offers a personal development-strategy in which the organisation-context and public/private services are crucial for keeping up with the speed of competence-development. The VPL focuses on the need of :
a recommendation for a European framework ;
an overview of good practices in Europe ;
guidelines reference manuals for decision makers ;
national study reports with practices and analysis ;
reports with description of instruments and methods,
a model for calculation of value of the use of VPL ;
a compilation of strategies for individual and organisational empowerment,
a series of articles published ,
an electronic newsletter published ;
a web site turned into an open space ,
an advisory board for the partners on the proceedings of the different workpackages,
an expert support group established of experts fromnational and european organisations,
reports from work meetings made available a month after the different work meetings.
15 organisations in ten countries.
Chypre Demokratiki Ergatiki Omospondia Kyprou Alecos Tringides Vyronos Avenue 40 CY-1096 Nicosia Tel.: +357 22872177 ; fax : + 357 2267094 |
République Tchèque Narodni Ustav Odborneho Vzdelavani Hana Cihakova CZ-10200 Praha Tel.: +420 274862251 ; fax : + 420 274863380 http://www.nuov.cz/ |
Allemagne Gesellschaft für Berufsblidende Massnahmen Joachim Dellbrück Reichenbergerstr. 88 D-10999 Berlin Tel.: +49-30 61 77 64 86, Fax: +49-30 61776418 Volkshochschule Stuttgart Wolfgang Klenk FRitz Elsas str. 46-48 D-70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49-711 1873724, Fax: +49-711 1873724 http://www.vhs-stuttgart.de/ |
France CNCP Anne-Marie Charraud 80 rue Lecourbe 75015 Paris Tel.: +33 1 44 383152, Fax: +33 1 44 383199 http://www.cncp.gouv.fr/ Institut lillois d'éducation permanente Brigitte Kayser Place Georges Lyon BP 11941 59013 Lille cedex Tel.: +33 320 6222262, Fax: +33 3 20 53 80 27 http://www.ilep.fr/ Iriv Dr Bénédicte Halba 26 boulevard Raspail 75007 Paris Tel.: +33 1 42 84 08 25 Fax: +33 1 42 84 08 25 www.iriv.net
University of Limerick |
Scienter |
Lituanie Methodological centre for vocational education and training Giedre Beleckiene Gelezinio Vikostr.12 LT-01112 Vilnius Tel.: +370 5 2123523, Fax: +370 5 2498183 http://www.kpmpc.lt/ |
Pays-Bas Han University Ruud Klarus Heyendaalseweg 141 NL-6525 AJ Nijmegen Tel.: +31-24 3530014 Fax: +31-24 3530005 http://www.han.nl/start-en/ Foundation European Centre Valuation Prior Learning Ruud Duvekot Jagersweg 23 NL-5262 TM Vught Tel.: +31-73 6572565 Fax: +31-73 6560581 http://www.valew.eu/ European Educative Project Jos Paulusse Jagersweg 23 NL-5262 TM Vught Tel.: +31 73 6572565, Fax: +31 73 6560581 |
Edinburgh University |