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Involve : migrants' involvement in voluntary and civic activities as a means of integration

This European project was supported by the European Commission in the framework of the INTI Programme , Directorate General Justice and Home Affairs, Direction B : Immigration , asylum and borders. Eight countries involved : Belgium, Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


The topic of this project was migrants' involvement in voluntary and civic activities as a means for better integration. The project addressed : the lack of knowledge about migrant volunteering including third country nationals' concepts of, and attitude towards, volunteering and national policies & actions that facilitate these activities ; nurtured a trans-European network; allowed for increased dialogue between stakeholders; enhanced identification, exchange and dissemination of knowledge and best practice; and made recommendations for policy changes.


The project could emphasized the role of migrant in "self" organisations, the barriers that prevent migrants from volunteering, the role of national and EU policies & programmes to support migrant volunteer involvement, the role of the media, the role of local host communities. It offered a partnership models between stakeholders and explainbed an attitude of migrants towards volunteering and barriers preceived by themselves


Project outcomes


June 2005- December 2006


Ten organisations in eight countries.

Allemagne INBAS - Sozialforschung
Susanne Huth et Duygu Yücel
Nonnenpfad 14, D-60599 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49-69-65302061,
Fax: +49-69-655096 www.inbas-sozialforschung.de


Autriche Institute for Socilogy, University of Vienna
Christoph Reinprecht et Patrizia Gapp
Dr Karl Lueger Ring 1
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-42770


Belgique Centre Européen du Volontariat
Markus Held
Rue de la Science 10
B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 511 75 01,
Fax: +32 2 514 59 89



Cristina Garcia, Cristina Gomez et Carolina Rodriguez
Avenue Louise, 113
Tel.: +32 2 640 12 59,
Fax: +32 2 647 73 28



IRIV - Institut de Recherche et d'Information sur le Volontariat
Bénédicte Halba
26 boulevard Raspail, F-75007 Paris
Tel.: +33-1-42840825,
Fax: +33-1-42840825



Luca Varadi et Andras Kovats
Rakoczi ut 80, 1074 Budapest
Tel.: +36 1 322 1502,
Fax: +36 1 479 0272


Pays-Bas   Community Partnership Consultants
Angelika Münz et henk Kinds
Huddestr. 3, NL-1018 HB Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20-6261208, Fax: +31-20-6261167
www.community-partnership.net   CIVIQ
Willem-Jan de Gast
P.O Box 12080
3501 AS Utrecht
Tel.: +31-30 750 9070,
Fax: +31-30 7509001




Volunteering England
Ruth Wilson et Christopher Spence
Regent's Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, GB-London, N1 9RL
Tel.: +44-20 7520 8908

Institute for Volunteering Research
Steven Howlett
Regent's Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, GB-London, N1 9RL
Tel.: +44-02-75208903
Fax: +44-20-75208910



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