Publications of iriv and its president on Migration
Depuis 2004 - La revue électronique les rives de l'iriv
Since 2004, iriv has published an electronic review focused on news on vVolunteering together with educative, political and social issues in France and Europe. The subscription to the electronic review rives de l'iriv is free ; if you wish to subscribe, please contact us
- Numéro 45 - Horizons - décembre 2023
- Numéro 41 - Solidarité - décembre 2021
- Numéro 39 - Voyage - décembre 2020
- Numéro 21 - Regards - décembre 2011
- Numéro 20 - Confins - septembre 2010
- Numéro 19 - L'autre - mai 2010
- Numéro 17 - Experience - septembre 2009
- Numéro 14 - Sollicitude - septembre 2008
- Numéro 12 - Différence - janvier 2008
Learn more: rives de l'iriv
Since 1995 - Publications from other editors
- 2009 - La médiation culturelle en Europe - Edition iriv - Learn more
Since 1997 - Website published by the iriv
- 2019 - 2021 - DiverPass -
- 2013 - 2017 - iriv-migration -
- 2014 - 2016 - Vintage- VET & Language learning -
- 2014 - 2015 - Di&Di- struggling against discrimination and enhancing diversity -
Since 2008 - Blogs published by the iriv
- 2021 - 2024 - eMoCC -
- 2016 - 2019 - REVALUE -
- 2016 - 2019 - MigrAID -
- 2013 - 2017 - Club Valuing a migratory background -
- 2012 - 2014 - Valbuk -
- 2013 - 2014 - AllinHE -
- 2013 - MigrActrices pour l'emploi -
- 2013 - Trans-Cité -
- 2011 - Tremplin Migrant(e)s -
- 2011 - Migrapass -
- 2023 - Face au « brouillard », la science est unanime et les citoyens mobilisés -
an article written in May 2023 for the association Salam which works with exiles in Calaisis.
- 2023 - Frontières meurtrières - droit de partir et d’être accueilli, devoir de sauver -
an article written in September 2023 for the association Salam which works with exiles in Calaisis.
- 2023 - Le jeu dangereux des émotions – clichés, malentendus et manipulation sur l’immigration: -
an article written in December 2023 for the association Salam which works with exiles in Calaisis.
- 2022 - Pour une réelle politique d’accueil pour les personnes exilées, en France et en Europe -
article published for the association Salam created in 2002 to support a migrant public who couldn't stay in France nor in Europe and decided to go to the UK ; they deliver food, they inform on different actions to enhance the Public policy of migration and asylum mainly in the North of France (around Calais, and Dunkerque...). The person in charge of communication kindly wrote an article for the ebook edited for the DiverPass coordinated by iriv together with Caritas France (2019-2021).
- 2022 - Pour un retour de l'esprit de Genève en Europe -
Article published for the association Salam advocating for a return to the spirit of Geneva, convention organizing the reception of refugees for 70 years (1951-2021)
- 2016 - Combinin VET and Integrated Language Learning To Enhance Professional Opportunities For Migrant Public- the Vintage perspective -
- 2015 - Enhancing the Diversity approach among migrant learners & tutors to struggle against discrimination in the labour market in Europe - Article published in the proceedings of the Xth Conference EAPRIL held at the University of Luxembourg. European and international network of researchers and practitioners in Education Sciences, it gathered more than 400 delegates from the 23rd to the 27th of November 2015 in Luxembourg (abstract- article on line in February 2016)
- 2014 - Supporting migrants in the process of Validation of Prior learning (VPL) – a French perspective - article published in the final publication of the Allinhe project, edited on the occasion of the 1st VPL Biennale in Europe Rotterdam: Inholland University, April 2014, pp 201-218
- 2011 - Intercultural mediation, a "New Deal" for local policymaking of Interculture, bridging local, national and European levels - IMISCOE, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, September.
- 2009 - Promouvoir et pratiquer la médiation interculturelle dans une Europe pluraliste - article written together with and Benedicte Halba on the TIPS Cours TIPS
- 2009 - Lifelong learning - a key issue for Migration, Migrants and professionals working with them - edited by Pr Dr Anna Krasteva in a European Review on Migration issues in Europe.
- 2008 - Lifelong learning : a key issue for Migration, Migrants and professionals working with them - Conference CERMES, Sofia (Bulgaria), June 2008, article CERMES 2008
- 2021 - GRIT- Growth mindset for tackling Early School Leaving (ESL)
- Halba B (ed), Alexandre J. , Borek A, Ferreira I.A, Fret L., Geeraerts K., Solntseva S., Swat-Pawlicka M., Walczak B. -
This final publication of the Grit (Erasmus +) project, led by the University Karel De Grote (Antwerp, Belgium), IRIV (Paris, France), the University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), and the University of Warsaw (POlogne ), coordinated by iriv combines theoretical and practical articles (based on experimentation with tools produced in the four countries), and is aimed at key actors involved in educational policies with innovative strategies to fight against failure school. (Paris, June 2021, 125 pages)
- 2021 - Diverpass- an ebook for professionals supporting migrants
- Halba B (ed), Arnaud B. , Borek B., Bulzomì G., Dionisio A., Laurenzi L., Meszaros A., Millot C., Nadot S., and Walczak B. -
This final publication of the DiverPass (Erasmus +) project, led by Cité Saint Pierre (Caritas France) with IRIV (Paris, France), Erifo (Rome, Italy), Jovokerek (Budapest, Hungary) and STOP (Warsaw, POlogne) has been coordinated by iriv and combines theoretical and practical articles (based on the experimentation of the DiverPass manual in the 4 countries). It is aimed at key players involved in migration policies, and allows more effective support for migrant audiences by professionals with various profiles (Paris, November 2021, 147 pages)
- 2016 - Guide pour l’évaluation des apprentissages linguistiques - B.Halba & S. Junge & Lorenzo Rocca -
- 2016 - Guide pour construire un cours de formation linguistique intégrant l’approche formation professionnelle - B. Halba & F. Benardz -
- 2015 - Guide pour promouvoir l'approche Di&Di - B. Halba - Guide to support the Di&Di traiing- Enhancing Diversity and Struggling against Discrimination in the Labour market
- 2015 - Guide for the Di&Di training - B. Halba - European Guide to support the Transfer of the Di&Di approach- Enhancing Diversity and Struggling against Discrimination in the Labour market
- 2014 - Guide pour accompagner des publics migrants dans une VAE - B. Halba - guide implemented during the workshops and clubs offered at the Cité des métiers in the framework of the Allinhe project (Erasmus, 2011-2014)
- 2014 - Guide pour sensibiliser à l'approche par la compétence les publics peu qualifiés, l'exemple du secteur de la propreté - B. Halba - published in the framework of the European project Valbuk (Leonardo da Vinci, 2012-2014)
- 2013 - Rapport MigrActrices en Seine et Marne - B. Halba - Final report on the action implemented by iriv in Seine et Marne in the framework of the project MigrActrices pour l'Emploi, supported by the Ministery for Internal Affairs.
- 2013 - Rapport final Trans-Cité - B. Halba - Research action implemented by iriv in three territories: Essonne, Yvelines and Seine et Marne in the framework of the project Trans-Cité, an experience of Transmission and Citizenship, supported by the Regional Council in Ile de France
- 2012 - Rapport final - Migrapass, un portfolio et un accompagnement pour les migrants - B. Halba et alii - Final publication, Migrapass, coordinated by dr Bénédicte Halba, iriv, Paris, October 2012.
- 2011 - Portfolio pour valoriser les compétences sociales des femmes migrantes - B.Halba & alii - a portfolio edited in the framework of the French project Tremplin Migrant(e)s, supported by the Regional Council of Ile de France
- 2009 - Comparative research report on Migration, Cultural mediation and the TIPS perspective in Europe - B. Halba - October
- 2008 - Programme de Formation Pilote pour les Médiateurs Interculturels en Europe - B. Halba - TIPS</a project, July 2008
- 2008 - Rapport sur la Médiation Interculturelle en France - B. Halba - TIPS project, PAris, April
- 2008 - Rapport sur la Consultation menée auprès des Médiateurs Interculturels en Ile-de-France - B. Halba avec V. Cournède - TIPS project, May
- 2006 - Involve - L'engagement bénévole et civique des migrants et des minorités ethniques - B. Halba - Final report for France France, Involve project, INTI programme, European Commission, initiated by CEV (Brussels, Belgium) , June 2006
- 2003 - Mem-Vol : bénévolat des migrants et des minorités ethniques - B. Halba - Final report for France, A Transnational Exchange Programme in Austria, denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom in the framework of the Community Action programme to Combat Social Exclusion, Mem-Vol project, European Commssion and Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth in Germany, initiated by INBAS Sozialforschung , Francfort on Main, Germany, July 2003
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