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Media in 2024 - Olympics in Paris

Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 30- Memento mori - août 2024

This issue is the 8th one for 2024 and the 29th since the beginning of the war in Ukraine....Memories are not engraved in marble. Memory evolves, in the light of new elements that illuminate facts left in the shadows. Why do some external events receive a special echo? Sometimes we have deliberately or unconsciously repressed memories (for instance after an emotional shock), other times we simply forgot them. In a first point we will mention the work of memory that must be constantly updated in the light of new tragic events; the testimonies of the protagonists are essential. In a second point we will see that memory and history do not go well together in Russia, where the official and idyllic history of the USSR deserves to be reviewed and corrected, this time in a fair way. In a third point, we will see that Ukraine, like many of the USSR’s satellite countries, has been the victim of a brutal and violent history. A gap has widened between West and East; memories are wounded. In a final point we will see that western democracies, especially in Western Europe, must remember that they were lucky and that democracies are fragile. If they can be reborn, they can also disappear - Memento mori.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 14 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 10th issue is dedicated to the symbol of the medal. There are two sides – the bright part that is so motivating that it arouses enthusiasm and support; the dark part is just as important. Young people must be aware of the double side of the coin so that sport would remain the best school of life, and a crucial learning..

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 15 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 10th issue is dedicated to the spirit of fair play promoted by the sports movement, especially the most popular sports such as football. It consists in respecting the rules of the discipline, not to challenge the decisions of the referee, and in the stands denounce inappropriate behavior (insults and intimidation of other spectators or players). Sport is not war, which also has a code of honor and must respect elementary rules. Democracy is great when it respects the spirit of fair play.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 16 - aout 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 16th issue is dedicated to hate speech.The Olympics are a main target for propaganda and hate speech. All the elements are gathered – a world show, with outstanding emotions at stake. They come from the show and the champions themselves - we can easily identify to these human super-heroes who belong to “our” countries, a national pride. The values attached to sport in general and the Olympics in particular can easily be twisted – a success becomes a main threat

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 17 - août 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 17th issue is dedicated to Clichés and stereotypes. They are sadly also very common in sport. They may be positive or negative. “When you want to drown your dog, you say it has rabies”. Intent, benevolent or malevolent, is essential to be able to analyze the reasons for serial errors over several years. Persisting in repeating ad nauseam the same strategy, hostile, brutal and unsuccessful, is surprising.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 18 - août 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 18th issue is dedicated to the role of State in sport.The main tasks assigned by the State to sport are education, coordination of sports action, training an elite, physical preparation of the armed forces and promotion of sports. The name of the Ministry indicates the main mission assigned to sport. The National Education is directly involved but also Defense, Home Office, Health, or other more surprising ones such as Ministry in charge of Transport or Agriculture..The Olympics are also an effective way to spread a message across to terrorists – we are ready, and united, to counter your attacks. An effective situational setting, even more telling than any military parade on the 14th of July

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 19 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 19th issue is dedicated to local authorities. They are the first level of democracy. Sport has no political color, no social origin, no territorial preference- it is accessible to all, and for all, with the decisive support of local elected officials and local authorities engaged on the ground, in the front line to defend the rights of their citizens, without any exclusion...

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 20 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 20th issue is dedicated to sponsorship. It is a sports-specific advertising technique. Its purpose is to make a brand known to the greatest number, which is an integral part of the assets of companies, an intangible capital. It is not enough to have financial arguments to be sponsors of the Olympics, a demanding specification must be respected. Business as usual but with a sustainable spirit..

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 21 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 21st issue is dedicated to the relationship between sport and TV. The sport entered an economic dimension through its spectacle when spectators paid their tickets to attend a match (football, basketball, ...) or a sporting event (World Cup or Olympic Games). This is the direct sporting spectacle. For sports fans who do not participate in sporting events, media coverage is provided. Audiovisual media quickly became the most popular in the 20th century, even more in the 21st Century plus social networks. The broadcasting of the event together with the profile of the media is telling on the message to be spread and the values to be shared...

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 22 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 22nd issue is dedicated to The associative sport is characterized by amateurism of practitioners, which corresponds to the volunteer work of the leaders and most of the management. Volunteering is the touchstone for sports associations. The 45,000 volunteers were carefully selected and trained to be able to perform their contractually agreed tasks in full knowledge of the facts. They are dressed from head to toe (by a sponsor) and equipped. They were given a key mission - to be the ambassadors of JOP 2024,Paris and France. They also provide entertainment during breaks and before competitions.Many thanks to the 45,000 VOPs, unique "VIPs" who are most appreciated by all participants and contribute to the friendly spirit of the Paris 2024 Games.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 23 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 23rd issue is dedicated to physical exercise. This is useful to control one’s body, the first messenger of one’s emotions (body language). The brain remains the first ally of champions and other human beings–knowing how to identify stimuli, analyse them with cold blood without excessive joy or anger, and above all turn them into concrete and useful action in one’s life.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 24 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 24th issue is dedicated to the glorious uncertainty of sport. After two weeks of enchanted parenthesis, the challenge of the Closing Ceremony was to bring us all back to earth. The athletes' performances, the excellence that was celebrated for two weeks, the magnificent images published or broadcast, have all comforted us and made us dream. This tremendous positive energy was a milestone for the champions, the organizers and all the supporters. The ball is in our court to turn this energy into constructive action in our lives, keeping in mind that the only failure is failure to try.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 25 - août 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 25th issue is dedicated to the closing ceremony. It was more serious on Sunday evening, August 11, 2024. Champions (with or without medals) were the stars of the show, followed by the music, with French monuments such as Aznavour, Dassin or Halliday. The word spread was more disturbing with strange white characters reminding of a scary cartoon from the 1970s, troubled times. This is the same in 2024- the next Olympics should be held in Los Angeles, California under the condition that there is no unexpected event such as a war. The geopolitics is most uncertain. Two American women may play a decisive role- the mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass for the organisation of the Games and the candidate of Democrats, Kamala Harris, for the future of the USA and the rest of the world. Good bye Paris, good luck America !

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 29- Citius, altius, fortius- communiter - juillet 2024

This issue is the 7th one for 2024 and the 28th since the beginning of the war in Ukraine...Paris hosts the Summer Olympics from 26 July 2024 under a special threat from all enemies of Europe and Democracy. The war in Ukraine began just after the Winter Olympics in Beijing in February 2022. In a first point, we will discuss the often mixed message of Olympism in the past. In a second point, we will see how the Games were a battleground between blocks during the Cold War, during the time of the Soviet Union. In a third point, we will analyze the impact of the IOC’s decisions on the war in Ukraine, but especially on its champions, and the message sent. The Centennial of the 1924 Paris Games, with Coubertin’s controversial personality, did not defend the spirit of modernity they were supposed to promote. The Paris 2024 Olympics are opening in a climate of extreme and worrying national and international tension. May the committed citizens of the world of sport be more far-sighted and courageous in 2024 by defending a 21st century Olympism that contributes concretely to world peace. Citius, Altius, Fortius – Communiter, “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together”, this time for a good cause.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 1 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The fist issue is dedicated to the Olympic Games organized in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) in 1996 were under the double patronage of Pastor Martin Luther King and pharmacist John Pemberton, inventor of Coca-Cola

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro / issue 2 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The second issue is focused on the Olympic Games organized in Sydney (Australia) in 2000 under the sign of Aboriginal people and a modernity respectful of environment

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 3 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The third issue is dedicated to the Olympic Games organized in Athens (Greece) in 2004 inspired by Antiquity with some shadows.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 4 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 4th  issue is dedicated to the Olympic Games organized in Beijing (China) in 2008 ,  both a promise and a threat for the West - Russia in the background violated the Olympic peace by attacking Georgia.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 5 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 5th issue is dedicated to the Olympic Games organized in London (2012). They featured the most fantastic storytelling in Olympic history- the soundtrack (British pop stars), the clip (James Bond), the logo, the great achievement of the event showed that the United Kingdom was one of the nations in the front line for what is best at telling a great story. The worst was the fall in 2016 with Brexit. Much ado about nothing..(Shakespeare).

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/ issue 6 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 6th issue is dedicated to the Olympic Games organized in Rio (Brazil) in 2016. They started with great hopes and inspiring objectives both for the country and the planet (for the first time forced migrants for political reasons or war could participate under a neutral flag). There was no happy end with the biggest scandal of corruption in the history of the Olympics.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 7 - juillet 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 7th issue is dedicated to the Olympic Games organized in Tokyo (Japan) in 2021. They are the first ones "in camera" due to the pandemic of Coronavirus (2020-2021). For the first time, there was no spectator for sanitary reasons. The Japonese Games highlighted an important dimension - the host country's commitment for hosting the Games is essential.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/ issue 8 - juillet 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 8th issue is dedicated to the opening ceremony, a true “Stade de France” outside the walls, was expected to attract 100,000 people on the ground and 1 billion viewers. It took place on boats on the Seine river from the Austerlitz bridge and the Iena bridge. The final show was at the Trocadero with the Eiffel tower in the background. The only unknowns were the weather and terrorism. Paris knows how to take on challenges - Fluctuat nec mergitur

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/ issue 9 - juillet 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 9th issue is dedicated to the Opening Ceremony. The spirit of the Olympic Games in Paris 2024 is given- it will be the flag bearer of all cultural, religious, artistic, gender, sexual orientation, styles also with music and dances current or more traditional where Hip Hop meets the French Cancan, where Alsatian dances rub together to the Break Dance. The Olympic basin lit by a cohort of French athletes, champions and champions, embodying this diversity will be the watchtower of respect for the flame of diversity that will animate these Olympics. Long live the Paris 2024 Games !

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 10 - juillet 2024

Paris hosts the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 10th issue is dedicated to neutrality Urbi et Orbi- the principle of neutrality in sport is enshrined in article 50 of the Olympic Charter: “No demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda shall be permitted in any Olympic venue, site or other location.” It is applied in the internal regulation of international and national sports bodies.For many athletes, religion can be a comfort. Its weaponization for ideological purposes is a way to attack democracy. Sports institutions have foreseen this pitfall - sporting neutrality protects all athletes regardless of their religion.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 11 - juillet 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 11th issue is dedicated to soft power and influence. The IOC members considered in their vote elements both very objective- solidity of the sports and financial file, ability to fulfill the specifications over time but also subjective elements- the image of Paris, perfect setting to host exceptional Games, in partnership with other sites, in Ile de France and in France, sports and Olympic nation. The 2024 Olympic Games are above all a victory for a team without hostile and discordant voices – influence is only convincing if this sine qua non condition is fulfilled.

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 12 - juillet 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 10th issue is dedicated to Sport remains the best vehicle for being convincing as it is incarnated by real human beings- it brings so many emotions (happiness, disappointment, fear, …) and it is Always associated at a high level with excellence, performance and strength. A victory on the tatami or on a playground is more telling than a military battle. Sport is definitely part of an efficient hybrid war - the so called "smart power" to be used with art and delicacy

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Infolettre JO Paris 2024 numéro/issue 13 - juillet 2024

Paris hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) for the 3rd time in its history after 1900 (year of the universal exhibition) and 1924 (8th Olympiad of the modern era). The Olympic Games took place from 26 July to 11 August 2024; the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The IRIV published a newsletter from 19 July (D-7) to 12 August. It started on the 19th of July (one week before the Opening Ceremony) and ended on the 12th of August (1 day after the Closing Ceremony). It is tackling sporting, political, geopolitical and economic aspects of the Olympics in Paris. The 10th issue is dedicated to championIn a pilgrimage, pilgrims evoke three phases – a physical stage, a psychological stage, and a spiritual stage. The champions have to go through these 3 steps. In complement they must combine 3 goals- a sporting one, a professional one and for their groupies to behave as "role models"

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 28- Hymne à la joie - juin 2024

This issue is the 6th one for 2024 and the 28th since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.. The European Parliament elections will take place from the 6th to the 9th of June 2024. The results will be a test. The most virulent Eurosceptics, supporters of Russia, should massively enter the parliament ; the defenders of Europe and democracy, defending Ukraine, are preparing for an existential struggle. In a first point, we will evoke the ambiguous emotions aroused by the elections in Europe and in the world: between joy and sadness. In a second point, we will mention the bad joy of the pro-Russian clan in case of victory of its supporters supported by offshore money and mafia practices. In a third point, we will analyze the mixed joy of anguish in the pro-Ukrainian clan where the fight against corruption is a major issue. In conclusion, we will recall the formidable utopia that constituted the European construction after the Second World War. In 2024, we fervently hope that the Ode to joy can resonate with lightness and relief throughout Europe and in the European Parliament. Uncertain times are opening for Europeans and democracy in the world to fight the bad joy (Schlechte Freude ) of autocrats.

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 27- PAx Europeana - mai 2024

May 9th is the Day of Europe. In 2024, we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, the end of Nazism and the restoration of Peace. The US Congress voted last Saturday, April 20th, 61 billion in aid to Ukraine after 6 months of republican obstruction, highly isolationist. Europeans must prepare to take charge of their defense and security. Anniversaries may be an opportunity to take stock of a brutal event that changed our life. In a first point we will talk about the theory of change - the steps sometimes followed to overcome a major drama. In a second point, we will study the case of Russia which seems to fuel a destructive anger. In a third point, we will see how Ukraine overcame its trials, reconstruction can be hectic. In conclusion, we will reflect on the peace process – under the aegis of the United States, exceptional men helped change the course of tragic events that seemed hopeless in the 20th century. In 2024, could the European Union play this role of «peacemaker»- a Pax Europeana for the 21st century?

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Les rives de l'iriv- Revue électronique de l'iriv- Arc en ciel - mai 2024

This forty-sixth issue of the electronic review of the iriv celebrates the twenty years of our electronic journal (2004-2024). They are dedicated to the rainbow illustrated by six antique statues that evoke the five Olympic rings (blue, red, yellow, green, etc.) on the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The colors of the rainbow can symbolize human «storytellings». The world is not black and white, unlike the narrative of social networks. The culture of «clash», or of «battle», without nuance or subtlety, contaminates the communication between human beings by creating sterile quarrels and epidermal reactions. Fragmenting opinions rather than building bridges. We may not agree without personally attacking or yelling at each other. That reason trumps often negative emotions. The editorial article evokes the difficult transition to adulthood «over the rainbow» which can take the form of a new start. The educational article sees the rainbow as a symbol of diversity at school. The associative article declines its symbolism to exile and the reasons to exile. The European article considers the many connections, musical, literary, of the rainbow. The expert article addresses the many facets of associative, trade union, political and citizen engagement. The last article offers the testimony of a young Polish citizen who became a European citizen with the entry of Poland into the European Union in 2004, during the most decisive enlargement for Europe which could have chosen as a banner a rainbow of Nations.

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 26- De Stockhlom à Oslo - avril 2024

This issue is the 4th one for 2024 and the 26th since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. After the terrorist attack claimed by ISIS that killed more than a hundred Russians, on Friday, March 22, 2024, in Moscow, President Putin once again took his people hostage by not giving them the most precious gift in the face of the tragedy that touched them - the truth (1). Stockholm syndrome has been studied by psychiatrists and psychologists since the tormented but fertile 1970s. It can provide a compelling reading grid for international geopolitics that often reflects the torments of the human soul. In a second point, we will mention its expression in Russia, where the population has been hostage for a very long time to an authoritarian regime set up by Vladimir Putin. In a third point, we will see how Ukraine has freed itself from the Russian grip, emancipating itself, committing a long path towards freedom, and democracy. In conclusion, we will reflect on the challenge of moving from the Stockholm Syndrome to the spirit of Oslo, following the example of “environmental diplomacy” which had many ups and downs before taking hold. The march towards peace of souls is also full of pitfalls…

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 25- La journée de la femme - mars 2024

This 3rd issue of iriv's Newsletter for the year 2024 and the 25th since the Russian aggression against Ukraine is dedicated to the memory of Alexander Navalny, who died on February 16, 2024 after a murderous relentlessness of Russian President Vladimir Putin to which he opposed since 2011. In an interview with the New York Times, he assessed his chances of survival at 50%; he had mental strength and courage, only his body let go. March 8 is International Women’s Day; November 25 is dedicated to the Day of Violence Against Women. In 2024, many women are still victims of violence, in peacetime but especially during armed conflicts or terrorist attacks. Sexual violence against women is part of a very elaborate strategy to terrorize and humiliate not only women but their families and their entire community; we will talk about their actuality thirty years after the war in former Yugoslavia. In another point, we will talk about the role of women in Russia, spur and bad conscience for the Russian army. In a next point, we will present the commitment of Ukrainian women, again exemplary at the front, and the abuses committed in the back by Russian troops. In conclusion we will ask ourselves: if woman is the future of man, is she also for all women?

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Infolettre iriv Superdiversité- numéro 12- Diversité sportive - mars 2024

Since November 2018, the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (Iriv) has published a newsletter entitled «Diversity in Europe». It is expressed in the motto chosen since 2000 by the European Union In varietate Concordia with the enlargement of the European Union from 15 to 25 members in 2004. The twelfth issue (March 2024) is dedicated to diversity in Sport that will be celebrated in 2024 with the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. May the best win – those who will defend diversity, respect for universalism and otherness…

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 24- Intranquillité - février 2024

This issue is the second one for 2024 and the 24th since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.... Two years ago Russia attacked Ukraine. This war in Europe has provoked an existential crisis within Europeans, a feeling of un-tranquillity that is a disposition of the soul, a permanent feeling of uncertainty and insecurity that can create intense and deep anxiety and fuel a latent then open anger. It can come from insidious facts when one is constantly questioned, or very concretely when a war is openly declared to you as Ukraine against Russia. In a first point, we will evoke a «forgotten» conflict within the European Union with Northern Ireland (in the United Kingdom) with different interpretations. In the following points, we will talk about the unquiet Russia and a shaken tranquillity in Ukraine with explosive geopolitics at the global level. In early 2024, the European Union could no longer bury its head in the sand with a war on its doorstep. Its enemies have exposed themselves; their message is clear. It can no longer dither. The UE has reacted, but it must not fail. It must also be clear about its own forgotten conflicts, and it shouldn’t hesitate to support its true allies.

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Infolettre iriv Solidarité Ukraine- numéro 23- Le jour d'après - janvier 2024

This first issu of iriv's newsletter to support Ukraine is the 23rd since the beginning of the war in Ukraine... The next day is the strategy that one is forced to consider after a sudden and unexpected change in one’s plans - nothing happened as one had imagined. Forced to an intense and salutary brainstorming after a major upheaval, several options are possible. We can continue to play a sterile game, a forward flight without rhyme or reason, the Russian solution. We can take the tangent, an uncertain bet that can be an alternative. Above all, one can suggest a trying experience into a future in line with one’s hopes, the Ukrainian case. In a first point, we will question the day before which democracies are sometimes confronted to change. In the following points, we will discuss the Russian and Ukrainian situations whose states of mind are very different. At the beginning of a New Year that celebrates the ten years of the Maidan Revolution (Kiev, February 2014), we will consider a brighter future for Ukraine and Europe - the next day and the following days with glimmers of hope.

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