Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.

Media in 2022 - French presidency of the European Union

PAris Normandie - Décembre 2022

The president of the iriv answers the questions of Paris Normandie while the end of the year celebrations can make you want to invest, by painting the portrait of volunteerism in France and the difficulties encountered by associations, and emphasizing the need to value volunteer engagement.

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Défis Métiers - eMoCC - octobre 2022

Presentation of the workshop on mobility proposed by iriv at the Cité des Métiers on 26 October 2022 as part of the Erasmus eMoCC project, led by the Catholic University of Milan and involving four countries (Italy, Germany, Spain and France).

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Matinale Ordre des experts comptables d'Ile de France - suivi - octobre 2022

The morning of the Committee of Associations dedicated to the Fight against Lanchiment and Financing of Terrorism (LAB-LFT) was followed by a verbatim broadcast on Twitter with some key notions to remind- the fight against terrorism is a key issue of democracies because it undermines the republican foundations of democratic societies

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Sport en France - octobre 2022

Main issues on Sport- Sports volunteering- Patrick Chêne highlights sports volunteering with his guests. A true backbone of the sports movement in France and around the world, volunteerism is a catalyst that should be better supported and developed. To talk about it, Bénédicte HALBA (PhD in economics and member of the Think Tank Sport and Citizenship, president of the iriv), Zélie AMARD (elected in the vureau of the FF Volley), Henri-Claude LAMBERT (volunteer mental trainer Paris Jean-Bouin Hockey), Jean-Paul AUGER (former chairman of the Seine-Saint-Denis FF Rando committee), François MIGAYROU (Co-Chair Aqualove sauvetage) and Marie-Hélène RUMEN (volunteer at the US Avignon Pontet Basket).

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Matinale Ordre des experts comptables d'Ile de France - octobre 2022

The president of the iriv, member of the  committee for associations of the Order of chaetered accountants in Ile de France since 2017, co-hosted a webinar entitled "Associations and issues related to the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing", Wednesday, October 5, 2022.

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Jurisassociations - octobre 2022

The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Anti-Terrorist Financing (CFT) campaign is crucial in France and Europe. It has become a reality in the daily life of associations with recent legislation. The objectives of AML/LFT are threefold. First, to dry up the terrorist financing channels by identifying the existing forms.... Then prevent institutional money laundering by fighting “corruption, fraud and tax evasion”.  Finally anticipate its new forms - «Everything that is our economic environment can become the soil of terrorist financing». An article published by the president of the iriv with colleagues of the Committee of Associations of the Order of Accountants (OEC) of Ile de France for the reference review in legal matters and association news Jurisassociations

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Sport et Citoyenneté - Pride, le sport en première ligne - septembre 2022

Article published by the president of the iriv for the Think Tank Sport and Citizenship, of which she has been a member of the scientific committee since 2007. It is dedicated to the fight against discrimination suffered by the LGBT+ community especially in Europe (Hungary, Poland, Serbia but also Germany and France), sport is on the front line and many sportsmen and sportswomen "role models" especially among young people.

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Défis Métiers - VAE, 20ème anniversaire - septembre 2022

Presentation of the two events organised by iriv within the framework of the Erasmus + Prove project (2019-2022) on VAE - a tool and method for VAE advisors to assess and improve their skills

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OEC- webinaire sur la lutte contre le blanchiment et la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme (LAB-LFT) - septembre 2022

Presentation of the webinar in which the president of the iriv speaks for the Order of Accountants of which she is a member since 2017, dedicated to the fight against money laundering and the fight against terrorist financing (LAB- LFT) - Wednesday, October 5, 2022.

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Librairie Pêle-Mêle - septembre 2022

Presentation of the publication of the president of the iriv published by  De Boeck editors "Management of volunteering and volunteering" on the site of a Belgian bookshop

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Lumni - juillet 2022

POrtal designed by the Ministry for Education in France addressing teachers - how to enhance an involvement among children, reference is made to an interview delivered by the president of iriv to the Ligue de l'Enseignement, a federation enhancing innovative and collaborative educational strategies

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Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon - juillet 2022

Reference to the participation of the president of iriv to the online conference held by the Maison d'Izieu and the Institut Goethe in Lyon to enhance a volunteering of youngsters to the reminding of the European past during the WWII and the Shoah.

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Magazine Vie de famille de la CAF - mai 2022

Interview of the president of the iriv on the theme "Reconciling studies and volunteerism, a winning ticket!" by a journalist from the CAF magazine "Family Life" on youth volunteerism, and students in particular.

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Journée du monde associatif (JMA) Ordre expert comptables 2022 - juillet 2022

For the Regional Order régional of Chatered accountants (OEC) of Ile de France, the President of the iriv was part of the organizing committee of the World Day Association (JMA) held on Thursday, July 7, 2022 at the Salle prestige (Paris Etoile). She was responsible for the opening round table "State of the art  on Associations in France in 2022"; she co-chaired the workshops "Volunteerism and Skills Sponsorship" and "Cooperation between Associations". All presentations are available online.

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Action Catholique des milieux Indépendants (ACI)- Engagement - juillet 2022

For the ACI-Catholic Action of Independent Circles (ACI), the president of the iriv attended the Summer Universities held from 14th to 17th of July 2022 in Dijon (Bourgogne, France). She chaired the third round table dedicated to - “Involvement: condition of a fraternal and supportive society”. Two witnesses spoke about their involvements (in an association, in a regional council), the president of the iriv suggested an analysis of their involvement, their impact on society, and its recognition and the specificity of such an involvement within the Catholic Church, at the crossroads in 2022.

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Ateliers artistiques Think Diverse - mai 2022

Presentation of the training offered to professionals accompanying young audiences (18-35 years) to promote creativity and defend diversity in the labour market, by a French team combining Adult Education and Theatre Improvisation as part of the Erasmus project "Think Diverse!" (2021-2023) coordinated by Eurosviluppo in Italy, France and Germany. The French team is composed of the iriv (created in 1997) - a research institute on lifelong learning and the Lirac (created in 2003) which developed Sport theater in France. The workshop combines a creative approach and awareness of situations of discrimination from which young people may be victims, sometimes perpetrators (through discriminatory statements or behaviours). It proposes an original pedagogical strategy based on both theory and practice, based on the experience of professionals (Kolb cycle of Adult Education); the French creative approach is inspired by theatrical improvisation. The workshop takes place at the Cité des Métiers.

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Sud Ouest - l'engagement - mai 2022

Interview given by the president of the iriv to the French regional newspaper Sud Ouest for a dossier on involvement, an overview and trends emerging in 2022 after two years of Covid, and a war in Europe- new profiles, new commitments, new techniques/technologies...

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Université de Lille - Bibliothèque - avril 2022

Presentation of the publication of the president of iriv published at De Boeck editions "Managing Volunteering", Brussels,2006 on the website of the library of the University of Lille.

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Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé - avril 2022

Selection of an article published by the president of the iriv on the social responsibility of the enterprise on the basis of the "mécenat of competences" for the public selection as advisors of popular education and youth (CEPJ)- year 2020 - Specialty: Economics and legal sciences, associative practices and cooperatives

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Ministère de l'Intérieur - avril 2022

The president of iriv was interviewed and mentionned as a qualified person for a report of the General Inspectorate of Administration and Social Affairs for  on the training of local councillors; on this occasion she had explained the results achieved by a European  project dedicated to the Valuing of learning acuqired by local councillors (Valorisation les acquis des élus locaux - VAEL), initiated by the National Institute for Local Development with the iriv  (2008-2010)

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Rennes school of Business - avril 2022

Presentation of the publication of the president of iriv published at the Documentation Française , "Volunteering in France and worldwide", Paris, 2003 on the website of a French business school located in Rennes (Brittany, France)

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Isotis archives - avril 2022

First publication of the ISOTIS research project, in February 2017, of which the president of the iriv was co-author with Dutch colleagues from the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), leader of the project on the role of professionals in an educational strategy promoting diversity and inclusion

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Sport et Citoyenneté - avril 2022

Presentation of the president of iriv , member of the Scientific committee since 2007, contributor to the website (articles) since 2016 in the issue 80 of the Newsletter of the European Think Tank Sport and Citizenship, published the 11th of April 2022.

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Sport et Citoyenneté- Les « Jeux sont faits » : Kiev 3 – Moscou 0 - mars 2022

a publication by the President of the Iriv for the European Think Tank , Sport and Citizenship, of which she has been a member of the scientific committee since 2007. She has contributed by articles since 2016. On the occasion of the opening of the Paralympic Games and after the Russian attack on Ukraine, the games are over - Moscow has lost faced to Kiev. Ukrainians win with panache for sportsmanship, courage and the defence of the fundamental values of sport, and democracy. The Russians have lost- vae victis.

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Sport et Citoyenneté-Jeux Olympiques de Pékin 2022- morituri te salutant. - Fevrier 2022

The president of iriv, member of the Scientific committee of the European Think Tank "Sport & Citizenship" since its creation in 2007, has more actively contributed since 2016 by publiwhing articles ; the last ppublished article tackles the issue of geopolitics in sport on the occasion of the Olympic Games 2022 held in Pekin- morituri te salutant.

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SALAM- Newsletter janvier 2022 - janvier 2022

The president of the iriv wrote an article for the monthly newsletter of the association SALAM, a humanitarian association that intervenes in Calaisis and Dunkerquois among the exiles to distribute meals, tents, and also provide them with an administrative support; it also testifies among public authorities and the media on the observed violations of the fundamental rights of the exiles and to militate for a decent and human policy of reception, respectful of republican values.

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Urb'Art - janvier 2022

The president of the iriv contributed (reviewing of the first publication) to an Austrian project, supported financially by the Erasmus programme, dedicated to urban art- Urb'Art. This original project is a response to the COVID-19 crisis, which has hindered cross-cultural exchanges and affected the creative education sector. It has implemented innovative formats for education (digital), communication, participation and dissemination. Its aim is to support low-skilled adults in marginalized communities through urban arts education activities and concepts. The goal of the project is the social inclusion and empowerment of these target groups through scientific studies and technical literature on the potentials of urban arts education, an awareness of the key actors involved in adult education - social workers, professionals in the arts and culture sector, independent educators and artists, as well as decision-makers and decision-makers.

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Superdiversité - janvier 2022

This portal is dedicated to diversity in the spirit defined by the American researcher Steven Vertovec and his approach of  "superdiversity (Ethnic and Racial Studies, Taylor & Francis, Routledge, 2007). Diversity is the frontside, the “luminous” side of discrimination which is its backside, its dark side. Managing diversity is a way to fight against discrimination; both issues must be tackled at the same time.

The "superdiversity" portal is addressing leaders and decision-makers to support them in managing diversity and combating discrimination.

It suggests: a newsletter published since 2018 - available in French, English and Arabic ; a selection of notions,  tackling all facets of diversity (gender, ethnic origin, religion, identity or sexual orientation, etc.) and situations of discrimination ;  topics & thematics provide a better understanding of the content of diversity and the public policies & strategies implemented ; modules suggested by the training is intended to support a fair management of diversity and in particular to build strategies to fight discrimination to promote real equal opportunity ; and resources are meant to illustrate the training - educational resources, video resources or weblogs (developed within the framework of projects on diversity - accessible on

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