Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.
Media in 2020 - Decade of Diversity
Webinaire Comité Associations Ordre des experts comptables de Paris - décembre 2020
Participation of the president of iriv, member of the Association Committee of the Ordre des Experts Comptables d'Ile de France since 2017 in the Webconference - 2021, the year of all challenges: facing the health crisis, detecting and prevent difficulties, proposed on Friday December 4, 2020 . It offers an overview of subsidies and the way to integrate them into the annual accounts and budgetary considerations (Aziliz Bodivit and Nathalie Elio, chartered accountants and members of the Associations committee of OEC Paris IDF) and how to prepare associations facing difficulties: prevention is better than cure (Angélique Poupon, chartered accountant and vice-president of the Associations committee of the OEC Paris IDF, and Amal Taour Alvès, chartered accountant and member of the committee OEC Paris IDF associations); the president of iriv focused on the role of “platoon" played by associations with a focus on Culture and Sporting sectors, particularly affected by the two confinements during the Coronavirus pandemics.
Défis-Métiers- Infolettre - novembre 2020
The Newsletter published by Défis-métiers reminds of the event / training offered by the iriv for the PROVE project- a webinar on Wednesday 25th of November addressing professionnals of VPL together with any councillor in employment
Le monde du Chiffre - décembre 2020
Publication of the last webinar proposed by the OEC Paris IDF (expert accountant professional network) and dedicated to associations in which the president of iriv, member of the associations committee of the OEC since 2017, participated. The objective of the webinar was to help associations and experts - accountants to understand and overcome the health crisis as well as possible Several elements have been highlighted by this publication specializing in accounting expertise - that the Covid is an element to be included in the accounts, that more than 85% of associations rely on volunteers and that they have been able to show resilience, that it is anxiety-provoking not to be able to project oneself and that we must take care to play down things: better to prevent than to cure.
Séminaire sur le référentiel de compétences pour les conseillers - novembre 2020
Pour l'éco - septembre 2020
Article dedicated to the Volunteers in France written by Audrey Fisné-Koch, a special issue on the economic power shared by any of us. The president of iriv was interviewed for this special issue. This new magazine aims at understanding the theoretical dimensions of the eonomy. Pour l’Éco, the new media that explains the economy.
Sport et Citoyenneté - août 2020
Publication of an article written by the president of iriv on the website of a Think Tank "Sport & Citizenship" dedicated to the role played by sport champions in the struggle against Discriminations and for Diversity
Webinaire Ordre des Experts comptables de Paris & Ile de France - juillet 2020
The president of iriv, member of the Commitee for associations of the Professional Order of Expert accountants of Paris & Ile de France attended a webinar explaining the impact of the new rules of accountancy for associations to be applied in 2020 together with 3 other member of the Committee including the president and vice-president. The webinar addresses associations and expert accounants working with associations (15% of French associations have paid staff and therefore the budget requires the support of an expert accountant).
projet Prove- Université de Tübingen - juillet 2020
Publicaiton of the article written by the president of iriv, French partner of the project
Archives ouvertes de l'Université Paris I - mai 2020
Access to the thesis defended by the président of iriv in January 1996 dedicated to Economics of sport on the Open online Archives of the University Paris I- Panhtéon Sorbonne
HAll du livre - mai 2020
Presentation of a book published in 2006 by the president of iriv on the website of a bookstore in Nancy (Lorraine, France)
Alphonse Carlier Loyal Hackers - mai 2020
Presentation of the publications by the president of iriv on a Belgian website of books
Librairie Al Kitab - Mai 2020
Presentation of the Guide published by the president of iriv on the website of a bookstore in Tunisia
IDREF - avril 2020
Presentation of the books published by the president of iriv on the website of the Referentials of Higher Education & Research
EAPRIL Conference 2019 -Proceedings - avril 2020
Publicaiton of an article written by the president of iriv in collaboration with a colleague from the University of Perugia in the framework of the EducOpera project (pages 373-385) - avril 2020 is an information portal dedicated to email marketing which offers several types of content and services: designed as a "wiki", the newsletter directory offers quick access to hundreds of electronic newsletters and marketing emails, thus forming a unique collaborative database. The review of iriv- "rives de l'iriv" is one of the selected newsletters.
Research gate - mars 2020
Articles written by the president of iriv available on the scientific platform -
Worldcat - mars 2020
Publications by the president of iriv updated on the OCLC Research platforme- a community resource for the research-driven advancement of libraries and archives, which provides advanced development and consultation for the teams that create and maintain OCLC’s products, and enhances OCLC's member and partner engagement to mobilize the community around shared concerns