Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.
Media in 2018 - European Year of Cultural Heritage
Revue Jalmalv- Jusqu'à la mort accompagner la vie - Decembre 2018
The president of iriv published an article for the review Jalmalv-Jusqu'à la mort accompagner la vie. It is also a federation gathering associations involved among people at the end of their life and all people supporting them (doctors, nurses, families & friends, volunteers involved in associations for disabled/sick people and elderly). The review is published by the Presses Universitaires de Grenoble and made available by Cairn.
Research Gate- site de la recherche - Decembre 2018
Presentation of several articles published by the president of iriv on Volunteering and Economics of sport on the portal dedicated to Scientific research-Research Gate, a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. Her publications belong to three topics - Political Science (International Relations, Human Rights, Political Economy, Race, Ethnicity and Politics) ; Education (Adult Education, Vocational Education, Teacher Education) and Economics (Labor Economics, Human Resources, Labor Statistics)
Zotero - Décembre 2018
Presentation of the last book published by the president of iriv "Guide pratique du bénévolat" (Larousse, PAris, 2011) on the website Zotero, a project of the Corporation for Digital Scholarship and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. It was initially funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. They gather a multi-disciplinary team that develops online teaching resources, digital collections and exhibits, open-source software, and training in digital literacy and skills.
Expertes Algérie - décembre 2018
The president of iriv is presented as expert in Volunteering, Citizenship and associations on the Algerian version of the website " Expertes" dedicated to female experts.
Expertes Tunisie - Décembre 2018
Presentation of the president of iriv on the Tunisian version of the website "Expertes Tunisie" dedicated to female experts.
Formation CRPVE - octobre 2018
The president of iriv is delivering a traing for the CRPVE addressing associations working in the sensitive urban areas- the JuCiVol projetc is presented as a case study
Projet MiFamily- Education familiale - Juin 2018
Presentation of the French contribution on the MiFamily project website implemented by the English leder NRCSE.
France Musique - mai 2018
The French public radio France Musique and its journalist Suzana Kubik, has published a very interesting article on the project EducOpera on the occasion of the French event "all at the Opera" initiated by the president of iriv together with the Opera de Massy. The innovation of this project together with its European dimension have been explained.
Bibliothèque de Bordeaux - mai 2018
Presentation of a publication by the president of iriv at the Documentation française dedicated to Volunteering.
Site pour les réfugiés en Italie- - avril 2018
The Catholic University del Sacro Cuore di Milano (UNICATT) implemented a website dedicated to refugees in Italy on the basis of the Espar model for which the Iriv was the Frech expert. The balance of competencies model ESPaR is a career counseling path that helps refugees to become aware of their skills and resources, to know realistically how well they can employ them in the labor market and to develop an open attitude towards new careers, sometimes more satisfying than those initially desired. It mainly uses the group and the autobiographical narrative. The latter is free at the beginning because it is aimed at recovering and giving new meaning to their past experiences. Subsequently, it becomes more and more precise and focused, in order to help them to identify and describe, in a reliable and comprehensible way, their training and working experiences and, from these, their professional skills.
Les temoins d'Outre mer - mars 2018
The president of iriv was invited to discuss on a special issue dedicated to Volunteering on the TV show "Témoins d'Outre Mer", on Wednesday 7th of March 2018, with various testimonies coming from French Caribean territories and France.
Conférence UCPA "L'association de demain" - Mars 2018
- Publication of a tweet by the UCPA, organiser of the conference "Assocation of tomorrow" (CNOSF, PAris, MArch 2018) on a presentation made by the president of iriv insisting on the training being an investment/a wealth and not a cost/a burden for the associations.
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano - Février 2018
The Catholic University of the Holly Spirit from Milan published the list of speakers for the final conference of the Espar project held in Milano on the 9th of February 2018- the president of iriv represented France, the University of Birmingham the UK, the National Commission for Refugees Spain and the association Tür an Tür Germany. - janvier 2018
on line presenting the publication de Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat, Editions De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2006 - janvier 2018
Selection of books published by the president of iriv on an american website dedicated to books