Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.

Media in 2015 - European Year for Developement

Centre de Ressources Politique de la Ville - CRPVE - décembre 2015

Presentation of the training offered by the president of iriv concerning Fund raising

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EAPRIL conference 2015 - décembre 2015

Presentation by the president of iriv and director of iriv conseil at the Xth conference EAPRIL 2015, held at the University of Luxembourg in November 2015 on the Di&Di project on line on the website of the European and international network of researchers and practitioners in the field of Education sciences.

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Librairie l'Armitière en ligne - novembre 2015

Presentation of the books published by the president of iriv on the website implemented by the French bookstore l'Armitère in Rouen which celebrates its 50th birthday.

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Sens - novembre 2015

Presentaiton of a book published by the president of iriv on the website Senscritique (critical sense).

Learn more - novembre 2015

Presentation of a book published by the president of iriv on a website implemented by Bookstores in Guyane

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Librairie Deloche - novembre 2015

Presentation of a book published by the president of iriv on a bookstore online in Midi-Pyrénées

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N E C T A R - t h e N o r t h a m p t o n E l e c t r o n i c C o l l e c t i o n o f T h e s e s a n d R e s e a r c h . - novembre 2015

Presentation of the final publication of the Allinhe project co-edited by the president of iriv together with the Dutch leader and the English and Slovenian partners on the N o r t h a m p t o n  E l e c t r o n i c  C o l l e c t i o n  o f  T h e s e s  a n d  R e s e a r c h - N E C T A R .

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Librairie en ligne Le Roi Lire - novembre 2015

Presentation of a book published by the president of iriv on the website of an onlike bookstore Le Roi Lire

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Défis-métiers - octobre 2015

The Webiste- Défis métiers dedicated to the information on Vocational Education and Training in Ile de France published a very comprehensive article on the conference held at the City hall of Paris XIVth district in October 2015 in the framework of the Vintage project.

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Site du Radya - septembre 2015

Presentation of the European conference offered by the iriv in the framework of the Vintage project on the website of the RadyA, a network of key stakeholders relevant in linguistic support.

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Datanawsletter - septembre 2015

Publication of the electronic review of the iriv in a reference index of newsletters in France

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Centre de Ressources Politique de la Ville - CRPVE - septembre 2015

Presentation of the training offered by the president of iriv in the framework of the Cycle of trainings implemented by the CRPVE  among associations in Essonne

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Portail humanitaire - septembre 2015

The European conference organised by iriv under the framework of the VIntage was published on the website dedicated to the international solidarity, a reference in therench speaking field.

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Plateforme Vintage - juillet 2015

Présentation of the iriv, French partner of the EU project Vintage on the plateforme dedicated to the project implemented by the Norwegian partner European Centre for Women and Technology - ECWT

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Les Expertes - juin 2015

The président of iriv was selected among the 1000 experts of the website the Experts which gather women coming form diverse backgrounds, with different involvements and with various expertise. The website is co-built together with France Télévisions, Radio France and the groupe Egalis available to journalists and any other structure interested by female experts.

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Reseau alpha - mai 2015

Presentation of next iriv's club at the Cité des Métiers dedicated to the Vintage project- VET integrated Language learning

Learn more - mars 2015

Presentation of the book published by the president of iriv "Guide pratique du bénévolat" by the Zotero project implemented by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, and initially funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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Questions essentielles - mars 2015

Presentation of the book published by the president of iriv at Larousse edition "Guide pratique du bénévolat" on a weblog dedicated to Volunteering.

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La Vie éco - Février 2015

in an article dedicated to Professional career entitled Travailler dans une ONG : le don de soi prime sur le salaire by Zakaria Lahrach the author details the book published by the president of iriv at De Boeck's in 2006 Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat"

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Journal roumain des sciences de l'Education - janvier 2015

Presentation of the article  published by the president of iriv dedicated to Valuing Prior Learning (VPL) in the JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, Magazine published by West UNIVERSITY from TIMISOARA under Faculty of Sociology and Psychology Department of EDUCATION SCIENCES and Romanian Institute for Adult Education(IREA)

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Pedagoški inštitut/ Educational Research institute - Janvier 2015

presentation of the article published in the Slovenian review Šolsko polje, edited by the Educational Research institute by the president of iriv dedicated to "Volunteering, an alternative pedagogical approach to combat early school leaving".

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Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2014 - Janvier 2015

Présentation of the article published by the president of iriv dedicated to "Volunteering, from altruism to otherness" in Traditiones , the journal of the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, and since 1999 also of the Institute of Ethnomusicology, is published twice per year by the ZRC Publishing and the SASA

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Librairie Bertrand au Portugal - Janvier 2015

Presentation of the book published by the presidente of iriv at De Boeck's editions "Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat, Bruxelles, 2006 by a French bookshop in Portugal.

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Savoirs et Formation - Janvier 2015

Publication of an article written by the president of iriv and Enda Europe in a special issue dedicated to discrimination in the review of the Federation AEFTI, n°94. The article presents the Di&Di project- enhancing Diversity and struggling against Discrimination in Europe.

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Ecole nationale de protection judiciaire de la jeunesse - Janvier 2015

Presentation of the article published by the president of iriv on the associative involvement of youngsters in the book Galaxie jeunesse edited by INJEP, Paris, 2003.

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