Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.
Media in 2013 - European Year of Citizenship - Décembre 2013
Presentation of a selection of books published by the president of iriv on the German website of Amazon - Novembre 2013
Présentation of the study implemented by iriv on Youth Volunteering in Ile de France (1999), published in 2001, presented by Agora Débats Jeunesse n°16
EDUCANUAIR.INFO - Novembre 2013
Presentation of the iriv on a website dedicated to the educative institutions in France. Created in 1994, EDUCANUAIR, has been recognised by the Ministry of National Education. It offers more thant 900 000 references in the field of Education.
CAP.POLEDOC.FR - Décembre 2013
Presentation of the Guide pratique du bénévolat published in 2011 at Larousse by the president of iriv on Paris website, part dedicated to the Meeting Point of Paris Associations.
Centre de ressources Politique de la Ville - octobre 2013
Article published by the president of iriv for the Comenius project "Succes at school thanks to volunteering" in the Newsletter of the Centre ressources Politique de la Ville de l'Essonne (CRPVE)
Centre de ressources politique de la ville de l'Essonne - CRPVE - septembre 2013
Presentation of the workshop on the Comenius project "Success at school thanks to a volunteering" offered by the president of iriv, in October 2013 at the Centre de Ressources Politique de la Ville (CRPVE). - septembre 2013
Presentation of the Guide pratique du bénévolat published by the president of iriv (Paris, Larousse, 2011) on an online bookshop.
Le petit Quentin - juillet 2013
Presentation of the workshop offered at the Cité des Métiers de Saint Quentin en Yvelines by the president of iriv on the occasion of the project Trans-Cité in the issue n° 288 of the monthly journal published by the City of Saint Quentin en Yvelines. - septembre 2013
Presentation of the books published by the president of iriv - juillet 2013
Updating of the works published by the president of iriv on the website developed by a consortiuof public librairies (USA? Germany, France, Poland...)
Librairie en ligne - juillet 2013
Presentation of the Guide pratique du bénévolat published by the president of iriv (Larousse, Paris, 2011)
librairie en ligne - juillet 2013
Presentation of the first publication of iriv published in 1998 "Which status for the volunteer ?" on the German online library
Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur- ABES - juillet 2013
Synthesis of the thesis of the president of iriv, defended in January 1996 (University of Paris I Sorbonne), a chapter was dedicated to volunteering in sport.
Librairie en ligne - juillet 2013
Presentation of a selection of books publihed by the president of iriv by the online library Abebooks.
Site européen sur l'Année européenne du vieillissement actif - juin 2013
Presentation of the lecture delivered by Benedicte Halba in Luxembourg on the occasion of the European Year of active ageing.
Edile- l'information juridique des collectivités locales - juin 2013
reference is made to the article published by the president of iriv in the review "Pouvoirs locaux" in 2010, in the framework of the European projet VA2EL (
Université de Reims - juin 2013
Présentation of the conference organised by the Unversity of Reims on valing a voluntary expérience ; the president delivered a lecture on this occasion.
Université de Bordeaux - juin 2013
Presentation of a selection of books published by the president of iriv on the website of the library of the University of Bordeaux. - juin 2013
Updating of the books published by the president of iriv on hte online libray
Enda Europe - juin 2013
The Migrapass portfolio is used by the association Enda Europe in the framework of workshops offered to their public migrant.
Centre de ressources politique de la ville de l'Essonne - CRPVE - avril 2013
Presentation of the action Trans-Cité in Essonne in partnership with the Centre for Resources Policy of the City and the associations Generation 2 and ACP 91.
Paperjam - avril 2013
Severals references made to the article published by the president of iriv in the framework of the project Part &Act (Luxembourg, 2012) on the social responsibility of the entreprise and the necessary link between private and not-for-profit sectors.
Réseau Alpha - Mars 2013
Presentation of the project Trans-Cité in the Newsletter Réseau Alpha n°12- March 2013 together with a detailed description of the project and an attached document.
Réseau Alpha - Mars 2013
Presentation of the Migrapass project and its follow-up in France: workshops at the Cité des Métiers offered by iriv to use the Migrapass portfolio among migrants, whatever the qualification and the country of origin. The workshops are free. You just have to register at iriv :
L'Humanité - février 2013
An interview of the president of iriv on "Has volunteering become a hidden work?" in the framework of the debates published each Friday by the newspaper. The debates were dedicated, on FRiday 15th of February, to the revolutions in work.
Centre de ressources politique de la ville de l'Essonne - CRPVE - fevrier 2013
The Centre for Resources on the City policy in Essonne (CRPVE) published an information ont the meeting held the 20th of Fevruary in Evry. The president of iriv will present the project Trans-Cité to inhabitants, associations, local councilors.
Agence du Bénévolat au Luxembourg - février 2013
Publication of the proceedings of the Conference on Volunteering held in Luxembourg (2012) on the occasion of the European Year of solidarity among generations and active ageing.
Centre de Documentation OPE - février 2013
Presentation of the publications of the president of iriv on the website of the Centre of Documentation in Luxembourg OPE
ESC Rennes - School Business - février 2013
Presentation of the publications of the president of iriv at the bookstore of the School Business ESC Rennes
Guide des expertes - janvier 2013
The president of iriv was selected in the Guide of female experts- Guide des expertes 2013- which offers a selection of 300 French women specialising in many domains of activity such as economic crisis, Euro zone, sustainable energies, sustainable development, islamism, Syria, criminality, social networks, tax, competitivity...
Agence du bénévolat du Luxembourg - janvier 2013
Publication of the article by the president of iriv in the framework of the Part & Act project aiming at bridging the gap between firms and associations in making them work together on a common project.
The Foundation European Centre for Valuation of Prior Learning - janvier 2013
Presentation of the contribution by the president of iriv to the project VPL- Valuing Prior Learning (2005-2007): ways and means to value a voluntary experience to have access to a diploma or a certification.
projets citoyens- site de la région Ile de France - janvier 2013
Presentation of the conference organised by the Grdr on a migratory experience, at the Cité des Métiers, in December 2012. The president of iriv wa sresponsible for one of the workshops on valuing a migratory experience.