Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.
Media in 2010 - European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
Bibliothèque de Sciences-Po Lyon - décembre 2010
Article publié par la présidente de l'iriv sur le projet va2el et ses enjeux pour la décentralisation en Europe.
Va2el - décembre 2010
The website of the Va2el project - Valuing experience and educaiton of local councillors in Europe
Amazon (France)- librairie en ligne - décembre 2010
Presentation of the book to be published by the President of iriv.. Guide pratique du bénévolat on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering.
Décitre - librairie en ligne - décembre 2010
Presentation of the book to be published by the President of iriv.. Guide pratique du bénévolat on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering. - librairie en ligne - décembre 2010
Presentation of the book to be published by the President of iriv.. Guide pratique du bénévolat on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering.
Rue du commerce - librairie en ligne - décembre 2010
Presentation of the book to be published by the President of iriv.. Guide pratique du bénévolat on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering..
Documentation française - novembre 2010
Salon international du Livre à Alger - Présentation du deuxième livre paru à la Documentation française sur Bénévolat et volontariat en France et dans le Monde.
Mobiloutil - portail de la formation, de l'orientation et de l'emploi en Auvergne - novembre 2010
Presentation of iriv as creator of tools meant to enhance mobility - reference is made to the project Assessing Voluntary Experience (AVE) .
Durham Université - octobre 2010
Presentation of the VAB projetc and the contributions made by iriv for the conference Community University Collaborations Conference 2010
die Berater - Survival kit - septembre 2010
Presentation of the Gantt diagramme proposed by iriv for LLL projects as example of best practice in the Survival Kit proposed by die Berater.
Bibliothèque centrale de l'Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef (Algérie) - août 2010
Presentation of books published by iriv and the President of iriv.
Le Réseau Mikanda (Congo) - août 2010
It gathers libraries and centers of documentation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) . It allows exchanges of experiences and is meant to inform students, researchers and stakeholders in the field of development. Presentation of books published by iriv and the President of iriv.
Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (Belgique) - août 2010
Presentation of books published by iriv and the President of iriv.
Librairie en ligne logithèque - juillet 2010
Presentation of books published by iriv and the President of iriv.
Librairie en ligne libfly - juillet 2010
Presentation of a book published by the President of iriv.
Centre de Documentation Direction de l'Analyse et des Etudes Economiques de la RATP - juillet 2010
Presentation of a book published by the President of iriv.
Plate-forme Internet de mutualisation des données documentaires en musiques actuelles - ReseauDocs - juillet 2010
Presentation of a book published by the President of iriv.
Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne - juillet 2010
Presentation on the website of the University of Evry Val d'Essonne (Ueve) of the project VAB- VAluning experience Beyond the university initiated by the Ueve and iriv, coordinated by iriv .
Revue Pouvoirs locaux - juin 2010
The review of the Institute of Decentralisation, a think-tank dedicated to the public action on a regional level, recognised by local stakeholders.
Publication of the article written by the president of iriv for the project va2el and its issues for decentralisation in Europe.
Localbiz- Plateforme locale d'initiative - juin 2010
Initiatives taken by regional stakeholders in the field of economy and employment, supported by the Chambers for trade and industry.
Reference is made to the speech delivered by iriv's president concerning "Volunteering and economics "for the Chamber for trade and industry in Clermont-Ferrand
Librairie Dialogues - mai 2010
Presentation of several books published by the President of iriv.
VALUE - Volunteering & Lifelong Learning in Universities in Europe - avril 2010
The VALUE Network comprises 20 organisations representing universities and the volunteering sector from 13 European countries.
Reference to the article written by iriv's president on "Volunteering in the VPL perspective " (HAN University, September 2007).
Commission Européenne - mars 2010
A Study on volunteering in the 27 Members of the European Union
Reference to the publications of iriv and its president: Bénévolat en France et dans le monde ( Documentation française, Paris, 2003) and Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat (De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2006)
Université de Stanford - mars 2010
Library of the Stanford University
Presentation of two books published by the president of iriv: Bénévolat en France et dans le monde ( Documentation française, Paris, 2003) et Bénévolat dans la vie économique, sociale et politique (Documentation française, Paris, 1997) - mars 2010
Bookster on line
Presentation of iriv 's five publications
FNAC.COM - février 2010
Fnac on line bookstore
Presentation of iriv 's five publications
Radio Chrétienne de France -RCF, interview par Christian Vadon - février 2010
Interview of the president of iriv on the bew voluntary service, civic service, proposed by the Haut Commissaire à la Jeunesse, M. Martin Hirsch, at the French Parliament, Assemblée nationale
ENSSIB - janvier 2010
Presentation of the president of iriv and her last book published on volunteering "Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat", De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2006.
De Boeck- Nouveau site éditeur - janvier 2010
Presentation of the president of iriv and her last book published on volunteering "Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat", De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2006.