Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.
Media in 2009 - European Year of Creativity and Innovation
Association belge du Volontariat - Décembre 2009
Presentation of Iriv as main contact .
Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse - Novembre 2009
Québec enters the Assembly of the Regions of Europe - A new area in the exchanges of youngsters between Québec-Europe. Iriv is quoted after the Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, the Conseil de la Jeunesse, and Envie d'Agir.
Librairie en ligne Place des Libraires - Novembre 2009
Présentation des dernières publications de la présidente de l'Iriv sur le bénévolat/volontariat
Médiathèque de Voiron - Novembre 2009
Présentation de la publication de la présidente de l'Iriv 'Bénévolat et volontariat en France et dans le monde", Documentation française, PAris, 2003.
Médiathèque de l'Université Paris Descartes - Octobre 2009
Presentation of the speech delivered by the president of Iriv at the Sympsyum organised at the Sorbonne, on the 1st and 2nd of October 2009.
Conférence finale TIPS/Hellenic Open University - Octobre 2009
Final conference organised by the HOU in Patras. A special website was dedicated to the TIPS project.
Projet TIPS - Synthèse de recherche - Octobre 2009
Iriv was leader of the WP Research/studies. Here is the comparative research report October 2009.
Projet TIPS - article Forcom Iriv - Octobre 2009
Together with FOR COM (University Guglielmo Marconi, Rome)., the president of Iriv has written an article dedicated to enhance the TIPS Course among its syakeholders (training bodies in the social field and cultural mediators).
Herewith the article: Forcom-Iriv
Décitre- Librairie en ligne - Octobre 2009
Presentation de la première publication de l'Iriv "Quel statut pour le bénévole volontaire"
Conférence Iriv/Université Paris Descartes - Octobre 2009
Publication of the poster affiche du colloque and the leaflet of presentation of the participants présentation des interventions.
Communauté de Commune Braconne & Charente - Octobre 2009
Presentation of the book Galaxie Jeunesse where were published two articles by the president of Iriv
Lettre électronique du Projet TIPS numero 6 - Septembre 2009
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initited by FOR COM (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome) which gathers Italy (For Com and Gruppo Pragma), France (Iriv), Greece (HOU, Patras), Austria (Auxilium), Poland (Tischner University, Krakow). This sixth edition presents the TIPS Course and analyses the profile of the participants to the experimentation.
Site de la Conférence TIPS - août 2009
Website developed by the Hellenic Open Universiy (HOU) for the final conference of the TIPS project.
Here is the flyer Conférence. and programme The role and Prospects of Cultural Mediation..
Revue des Migrations en Europe - juillet 2009
European review edited by Pr Dr Anna Krasteva, New University of Sofia (Bulgaria), with the support of the Manfred Worner Fondation and the European programme PHARE . Publication of the article written by the president of Iriv: Lifelong learning : a key issue for Migration, Migrants and professionals working with them, presented at the Conference organised by the CERMES and the New Univerity of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Open Library - juin 2009
Presentation of the books published by the president of Iriv on an Open Library.
Lettre électronique du Projet TIPS numero 5 - mai 2009
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initited by FOR COM (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome) which gathers Italy (For Com and Gruppo Pragma), France (Iriv), Greece (HOU, Patras), Austria (Auxilium), Poland (Tischner University, Krakow). This fifth edition presents updated news on the experimentation of the TIPS training course.
Le Jeudi, hebdomadaire Luxembourgeois - avril 2009
Article written by Bénédicte Halba on the Conference delivered on the 30th of April 2009 at the Bank of Luxembourg on Valuing a Voluntary experience in a professional carreer.
Newsletter Va2el - avril 2009
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initiated by Indl (Agen, France) and Iriv (Pris, France) which gathers Austria (Oikodrom, Vienna), France (Aric, Rennes), Greece (AEE, Athens), Poland (Irss, Warsow). This first edition is presenting the main objectives of the Va2el project together with the partnership.
Institut du Mouvement Sociétal - IMS Luxembourg - mars 2009
Annoucement of the conference to be delivered by Iriv's president the 30th of April 2009 at the Bank of Luxembourg on Assessing a Voluntary Experience in a professional perspective (project VAEB)
Croix Rouge de Belgique - mars 2009
Presentation of the conference on the relationship between volunteers and paid staff organised by the Belgian Red Cross together with the University of Liège . The president of Iriv delivered a speech on this occasion.
Conseil de la Jeunesse catholique - février 2009
Presentation of the conference on the relationship between volunteers and paid staff organised by the Belgian Red Cross together with the University of Liège . The president of Iriv delivered a speech on this occasion.
Site consacré à la Flandre (France-Belgique-Pays-Bas) - février 2009
Presentation of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (Iriv) and its Newsletter
Site consacré aux démarches - Guide des démarches - janvier 2009
Presentation of the last publication at De Boeck's on Management of volunteering ( (
Bibliothèque nationale de France - BNF - janvier 2009
Presentation of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (Iriv) and its publications.
Système Universitaire de Documentation en France - Sudoc Abes - janvier 2009
Presentation of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (Iriv) and its 4 publications (1998-2008).