Here are a press release on iriv's works and publications.
Media in 2008 - European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
France Inter - décembre 2008
Programme dedicated to volunteering - Intervention by Bénédicte Halba with representatives from the Fondation de France, the Restos du Coeur, the Petits Frères des pauvres , the Secours Populaire. Presentation of the last publication at De Boeck's on Management of volunteering (
Le zapping du PAF, site présentant une sélection d'émissions de télévision et de radio - décembre 2008
Presentation of the last publication of Iriv (see Publications)
Lettre électronique du Projet TIPS numero 4 - décembre 2008
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initited by FOR COM (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome) which gathers Italy (For Com and Gruppo Pragma), France (Iriv), Greece (HOU, Patras), Austria (Auxilium), Poland (Tischner University, Krakow). This fourth edition prepares the experimentation of the TIPS training course.
Site d'Auvergne Initiatives - novembre 2008
On the occasion of the Week for Economic volunteering, the president of Iriv, has delivered a speech on the 20th of November 2008 in Clermont-Ferrand for Auvergne Initiatives - Agenda
Site de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Clermont-Ferrand (Auvergne) - novembre 2008
On the occasion of the Week for Economic volunteering, the president of Iriv, has delivered a speech on the 20th of November 2008 in Clermont-Ferrand for Auvergne Initiatives - - Agenda
Un blog pour les publications de l'Iriv - novembre 2008
To celebrate its ten years' publications (1998-2008), Iriv has launched a blog on the 5th of November 2008 . Please find the press release published on this occasion- Press release
Lettre électronique du Projet TIPS numero 3 - octobre 2008
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initited by FOR COM (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome) which gathers Italy (For Com and Gruppo Pragma), France (Iriv), Greece (HOU, Patras), Austria (Auxilium), Poland (Tischner University, Krakow). This third edition prepares the plenary session to be held in Graz in October and presents the results achieved after one year's work.
Site - septembre 2008
German website dedicated to European citizens, created in 2001, to present innovative organisations and projects initiated by Civil Society
Site EVC-Consultant - septembre 2008
Deutch website dedicated to European projects - Presentation of the VPL2 project
Site de l'association suisse AVEC - septembre 2008
eLibrary for the Bank and Finance . Presentation of the last publication at De Boeck's on Management of volunteering (
Site du Collège des Forces canadiennes - septembre 2008
Canadian website Library of the Forces College - Reference to the last publicarion at the Documentation française (see Publications).
Site de la Revue Interrrogations - septembre 2008
Revue pluridisciplinaire des sciences de l'homme et de la société - Référence à la dernière publication parue à la Documentation française.
Site de l'European Center - septembre 2008
Présentation du projet LdV inité et dirigé par l'iriv VAEB pour un projet professionnel.
Calice - septembre 2008
Website of the General Council of Haut-Rhin - Reference to the last publicarion at the Documentation française (see Publications).
Revue Banque - elibrairie - septembre 2008
La librairie de la Banque et de la Finance . Présentation du dernier ouvrage publié aux éditions De Boeck par la présidente de l'iriv "Gestion du bénévolat et du volontariat".
Bureau international de l'Edition française - septembre 2008
Reference to the last publicarion at the Documentation française (see Publications)
Site du CNRS-INIST - septembre 2008
Article published by Bénédicte Halba on Assessing Voluntary Experience for Centre Inffo (AVE project).
Place des libraires - septembre 2008
Presentation of the last publication at De Boeck's on Management of volunteering (
Institut Bioforce Développement - juillet 2008
Leaflet "Volunteering abroad for youngsters - Tour 2006-2007
Lettre électronique du Projet TIPS numero 2 - juillet 2008
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initited by FOR COM (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome) which gathers Italy (For Com and Gruppo Pragma), France (Iriv), Greece (HOU, Patras), Austria (Auxilium), Poland (Tischner University, Krakow). This second edition presents the results of the first step of the project "Studies and research" which proposes an overview of migration in the five countries, the profil of the cultural mediators, their needs for training in order to propose them a pilot training course using the innovative technology of T-learning.
Site du Ministère autrichien des Affaires sociales et de la Consommation ( Bundesministerium für Soziales und Konsumentenschutz. BMSK) - juillet 2008
Pilot Austrian study on Productivity and Age resources - Presentation of European pilot projects
Site de l'ARIA - juin 2008
Website of the Association for Welcome, Reflexion, Information and Accompaniement of soldiers' families (ARIA)
Lettre électronique du Projet TIPS numero 1 - mai 2008
Newsletter proposed in the framework of the European project Leonardo da Vinci initited by FOR COM (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome) which gathers Italy (For Com and Gruppo Pragma), France (Iriv), Greece (HOU, Patras), Austria (Auxilium), Poland (Tischner University, Krakow). This first edition presents the objectives of the project and the workplan and schedule for this 24 months' project. - mai 2008
Research engine for books cretaed in 1997 by a student from the University of Berkeley (California, United-States). 150 millions references.
Presentation of iriv's book "Bénévolat/volontariat et emploi : concurrence ou complémentarité" ( Publications)
France AVF,n°35 - avril 2008
Article written by Bénédicte Halba on issues concerning Valuing Prior Learning.
Groupe de travail européen, Agences nationales Leonardo da Vinci - mars 2008
Presentation of the Leonardo da Vinci project, VAEB, directed by Iriv (2003-2006), in 7 countries, awarded in Helsinki in December 2006, for excellent practice in addressing the priorities of the Copenhagen process and promoting an enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training.
Les Echos de Pologne,n°83 - mars 2008
Article written by Bénédicte Halba "De Lisbonne à Copenhague : une fructueuse collaboration franco-polonaise grâce à l'Union européenne".
Lettre d'Informations bimensuelle de la Conférence Permanente des Confédérations associatives (CPCA) - février 2008
A Newsletter published by the National Conference of French Associations (CPCA). Presentation of the last publication of Iriv (VAEB, see Publications )
Centre d'Information et de Ressources pour les Musiques actuelles (IRMA) - février 2008
The Centre for Information and Resources for Actual Musics (Irma) is an association cretaed in 1986, with the agreement of the Ministry for Culture and Communication.
Presentation of the last publication at the Documentation française (see Publications)
Annuaire des régions Ouest - janvier 2008
Guide & website for the Western Part of France.
Presentation of the last publication at De Boeck's on Management of volunteering (
Volontariat en ligne - janvier 2008
Newsletter online by the Association for Volunteering (Brussel - Belgium).
Presentation of the last publication of Iriv published in September 2007 "Valoriser les Acquis de l'Expérience Bénévole" and the last publication by Bénédicte Halba published in December 2006 at De Boeck's on Management of Volunteering (