Training programme for cultural mediators (since 2009)
- Conclusion- Mediation : a chance for migration, a key for integration :
- Introduction- Pedagogical strategy : Detail of the 16 modules
- M odule 14 - Mediation interculturelle among youngsters :
- Module 1 : Context- a training for what ? :
- Module 10- Mediation, Social housing & access to housing :
- Module 11 - Mediation interculturelle & Education - Learning French :
- Module 12 - Médiation interculturelle & Employment- access to the labour market :
- Module 13 - Mediation interculturelle & Health - Culture, Religion and role of the Women :
- Module 15- Mediation among Women, Equity of chances :
- Module 16 - Mediation among Elderly :
- Module 2: Useful definitions :
- Module 3- Multiculturalism, Interculturalism & Diversity :
- Module 4- Public of the mediation - migrants :
- Module 5 - Public policies in the field of immigration & integration :
- Module 6 - Mediation in France & Europe :
- Module 7 - the professional profile of a mediator :
- Module 8 - Resolution of conflicts & discrimination linked to race, religion or ethnic belonging :
- Module 9 - Mediation, Defence of rights, Citizenship & Human rights :
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