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National Symposyums

  1. Issues on volunteering
    How to value a voluntary experience ? - in collaboration with the University of Paris 5 - René Descartes - University of Paris IV - La Sorbonne , 1st and 2nd of October 2009

    Main issues

    The main goal of the symposyum was to discuss about the many issues raised by volunteering in society of knowledge (R.Sue) with its implication on Human capital (B. Halba). On the basis of study cases (J-M Peter), to present concrete testimonies together with results of opinion surveys (J. Malet & C. Bazin).
    Some of the testimonies have concerned Health (P. Amiel & L. Pourteau) or Handicap (M. Piot) or social integration (A. Sevilla). Other testimonies have developed how to value a voluntary experience in an academic cursus (M. Gratacos) or to consider how to be “volunteer by trade” (D. Ferrand Bechman).
    European presentations have underlined the relations between volunteers and paid staffin two Belgian organisations : Red Cross Belgium and shops Oxfam-World (G. Pirotte) and the main conclusions of the European report published on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 (C. Mathou)

    Co-organisers : dr Bénédicte Halba , President of iriv - dr Roger Sue , professor of Socioloy at the University of Paris 5 René Descartes (UP5) & dr Jean-Michel Peter , researcher at the Cerlis (CNRS) UP5.

    Herewith the documents published on this occasion :

    List of participants

    Dr Roger Sue, professor of Socioloy at the University of Paris 5 René Descartes & researcher at the Cerlis (CNRS)
    dr Bénédicte Halba, president of iriv
    dr Jean-Michel Peter, researcher at the Cerlis (CNRS), University of Paris 5 René Descartes
    Jacques Malet & Cécile Bazin , project managers (Recherches & Solidarités)
    Philippe Amiel & Lionel Pourteau , researchers (URSHS Villejuif)
    Ariel Sevilla , researcher at the University Paris 8
    Maudy Piot, president of Femmes pour le dire, Femmes pour agir
    Stéphane Méry, researcher at the Cerlis
    Bernard Liétard , professor emeritus at the CNAM
    Mélanie Gratacos, general secretary Animafac
    Dan Ferrand-Bechman, professor emeritus at the University Paris 8
    Gautier Pirotte, assistant professor at the University of Liège
    Cécile Mathou, consultant at GHK Consulting

    Learn more: Affiche 7 septembre 2009.pdf
  2. Regional Symposium for Sport volunteering
    What are the issues for sport volunteering, today, in France ? What about a status for the volunteer executives on the model of the status for the members of the city councils ? - City hall of la Ferté Bernard (Sarthe) – 27th of February 2004

    Main issues

    The City of La Ferté-Bernard, in the Sarthe, organised with iriv, the 27th of February 2004, a Regional Symposyium on Sport Volunteering. People in charge of associations in the Sarthe's cities, the general council (Sarthe) and the regional council (Pays de la Loire Region ) were invited to this special event whose main goal was to celebrate 2004 as European Year for Education in Sport (EYES 2004) with an emphasis on sport volunteering : its issues for the clubs, local authorities and the general public. It was meant to be the first step for a more developped study on sport volunteering on a European level. The Institute was associated to this special event to initiate an analysis and a debate, to make proposals with all the participants to improve knowledge and recognition of sport volunteering. The participants were chosen on the basis of their expertise in volunteering, sport and associative life. This event was presented on the website Calenda. The sympsyum was entertained by Emilien Borderie, journalist at radio Val d'Huyne fm (abstracts of the presentation made on the radio).

    Co- organisers : dr Bénédicte Halba , President of iriv - Jean-Carles Grelier, deputy mayor of the City of La Ferté Bernard

    List of participants

    Pierre Coutable, Mayor of the Ferté Bernard
    Dominique Le Mener, Deputy of the Sarthe
    Dr Bénédicte Halba, President of iriv
    dr Laurent Pujol, Assistant professor at the University of Maine
    Gérard Barreau, Teacher at the National Institute for Sport & physical education (INSEP)
    Martine Chappey, President of the association Planète Science
    Gilles Dupuits, Director of the Fédération Familles Rurales de la Sarthe
    Marcel Retailleau, President of the Regional Olympic and sport Committee (CROS)
    Gilles de la Bourdonnaye, Champion of Ping Pong (Gold medal) at the Paralympics of Sydney (2000) & Atlanta (1996)
    Jean-Carles Grelier, Deputy Mayor in charge of Sports at the Ferté Bernard

  3. Volunteering and employment : competition or complementarity ?
    The main critic made to volunteers is to be job killers. On the contrary, volunteers may create jobs and develop markets on the basis of needs that weren't considered enough before them. - Symposium, Palais du Luxembourg , Paris, under the aegis of Senator Claude Huriet, 14th of December 1998

    Main issues

    Is volunteering dangerous for paid staff ? Are paid staff and volunteers competitors or complements?

    There are two kinds of analysis. The opponents consider volunteers as job killers. The defenders see volunteers as innovative models and essential auxiliaries.

    Our Institute gathered, in December 1998, experts, professors and managers in the non profit sector who were concerned by the question.

    Should we propose something like a "status of the active" to reconciliate both camps ?
    Testimonies from managers from associations in the social, health and cultural sectors were quite edifying.

    The World Days for Youngsters in 1997 and the World Football Cup in 1998, were clear proof that paid staff and volunteers may act as complements on the ground. This complementarity was a key issue for the success of these two major events both organised in Paris.

    List of participants

    Jean François Biardeaud, Président de RTF
    Georges Chomette, Manpower France
    Laurent Cousin, Sodexho France
    Daniel Druesne, UNIOPSS
    François Gaudu, Professeur à l'University of Paris I
    Bénédicte Halba, Présidente de l'iriv
    Michel Jacquet, National Organisation Commitee of the World football Cup 1998
    Eric Jaffrain, Consultant, EJC International
    Christian Katchourine, Ernst & Young France
    Brigitte Navail, World Days for Youngsters

    Les actes du colloque ont été publiés : publications

  4. Which status for the volunteer ?
    So many volunteers, so many different situations. Would a status be conceivable? Which kind of protection or recognition to offer to the volunteer ? - Symposium, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, under the aegis of Senator Bernard Seillier – 1st of July 1998

    Main issues

    Why do volunteers exist?
    For the sceptic, a volunteer may be incompetent and even dishonest (Philippe Malaurie) ; a volunteer may be clumsy (Anne Marchand) ; a volunteer may also compete with paid staff (Jean Savatier) ; For the disillusioned, volunteerring is an easy way for the government to save money (Michèle-Laure Rassat) ; when the volunteer is getting skilled , he/she may become a second -class paid staff (Hugues Portelli);
    For the enthusiastic, the volunteer plays a major role in society ; he/she supports the oustsiders (poor, homeless, sick or handicapped people) ; he contributes to the International humanitarian support .

    Is a status conceivable for the volunteer ?
    There is no legal framework for the volunteer, but some dispatched refererences in several texts. A status would lead to a better recognition (Christophe Borgel et Hugues Portelli) ; a training for volunteers (Jean Bastide and Jean-Pierre Sueur); a much higher involvement of paid staff in volunteering especially with the increase of free time (Dominique Delpirou); a minimum protection of volunteers towards abuse in repayment of back taxes (Brigitte Clavagnier) and for abuse in the penal responsibility (Jean-Pierre Balligand).

    See our : publications

    List of the participants

    Joël Balavoine, Director, Ministry for Youth and Sports
    Jean-Pierre Balligand, Deputy, Mayor of Vervins
    Christophe Borgel, President of the Association of the Studients for refunding the city
    Jean Bastide, President of the National Council for Associative Life
    Raymond Caire, General superintendent , Ministry for Employment and Solidarity
    Brigitte Clavagnier, Lawyer and Editor, Editions Juris associations
    Gérard Couturier, Professor of Law , University of Paris II
    Dominique Delpirou, Head of the National Law Service at Electricité de France
    Patrick Duong, Director, CCIVS
    Bénédicte Halba, President, IRIV
    Jacques Lecugy, President, CLONG-volontariat
    Philippe Malaurie, Professor of Law, University of Paris II
    Anne Marchand, jurist and editor, Editions Lamy
    Hugues Portelli, Professor of Political Science, University of Paris II
    Michèle-Laure Rassat, Professor of Law, University of Paris XII
    Jean Savatier, Professor dof Law, University of Poitiers
    Bernard Seillier, Senator Mayor of Séverac le Château
    Cécile Sportis, Councillor, Ministry of Cooperation and French speaking communities
    Jean-Pierre Sueur, Former Minister, Mayor of Orléans.

  5. National conference on Validation of voluntary competences
    offered by the Regional Chamber of Social Economy of Champagne Ardenne and the Cerep research team of the University of Reims - Reims, 12th of February 2013

    Research seminar proposed by the Centre of Studies and Research on Employment and Professionalisation (CEREP, Cnrs EA 4692) on the topic "Assessment and certification of a voluntary involvement to value its personal and social outcomes". The president of iriv presented the portfolio of voluntary competences published in 2007 as main result of the project Vaeb (Assessing a Voluntary Experience, www.eEuropeassociations.net, awarded in Helsinki in 2006) together with the strategy offered by the Allinhe project to facilitate the access to Higher Education through Valuing Prior Learning (www.allinhe.eu). .

    Learn more: http://www.univ-reims.fr/

    Learn more: 0-ALLInHE - Février 2013-Université de Reims.pdf

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