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Poland - Année européenne du bénévolat 2011

Learn more, see the report of the European Commission about volunteering in Poland

Centrum Wolontariatu

The Centrum Wolontariatu is the National Center for volunteering in Poland created in 1993 in Warsaw. The objectives of the Centrum Wolontariatu are to:

The objectives are satisfied through: the promotion of the idea of volunteering among government organisations, non-government organisations, mass media and business circles; establishment of the first Polish volunteer job exchange bureau, organisation of training courses - with the application of a unique training method - that prepare volunteers and users of their assistance for mutual cooperation; making contacts with voluntary organisations in other countries with the aim of experience sharing.

Centrum Wolontariatu
Ui Nowolpie 9/11
PL-00150 Warsawa
Tel.: +48 22 63 52 773
Fax: +48 22 63 54 602
E-mail: warszawa@wolontariat.org.pl
Web site: http://www.wolontariat.org.pl

ul. Stysia 16a
53-526 Wroclaw
E-mail: wolontariat@katolik.pl
Web site: http://www.wolontariat.katolik.pl

Polska Akcja Humanitarna (AHP)
ul. Szpitalna 5 lok. 3
00-031 Warszawa
Tel.: +48 (0 22) 828-88-82, +48 828-90-86
Fax: +48 831-99-38
E-mail: pah@pah.org.pl
Web site: http://www.pah.ngo.pl

Other organisations

Biuro Wysokiego Komisarza Narodów Zjednoczonych do Spraw Uchodzców (UNHCR)
Aleja Róz 2
00-566 Warszawa
Tel.: +48 (022) 628 69 30
Fax : +48 (022) 625 61 24
E-mail: polwa@unhcr.ch
Web site: http://www.unhcr.pl/wolontariat/index.php

Fundacja Starszy Brat Starsza Siostra-Polska
ul. Albtarosów 26 m 9
05-500 Piaseczno
Tel/Fax : +48 (48 22) 702 27 08
E-mail: biuro@brat-siostra.org
Web site: http://www.brat-siostra.org

Habitat for Humanity Polska
ul.Sniadeckich 17a/14
00 - 654 Warszawa
Tel.: +48 (22) 825 90 74
Fax : +48 (22) 87585 30
E-mail: poland@habitat.pl
Web site: http://www.habitat.pl/wolontariat.php

Portail associatif dédié au secteur bénévole en Pologne.
ul. Szpitalna 5/5
00-031 Warszawa
Tel.: +48 (22) 828 91 28
Fax : +48 (22) 828 91 29
E-mail : redakcja@portal.ngo.pl
Web site : http://www.ngo.pl
Web site: http://www.wolontariat.ngo.pl

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