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Luxembourg - Année européenne du bénévolat 2011

Learn more, see the report of the European Commission about volunteering in Luxembourg

Agence du bénévolat

The Agency for Volunteering was founded in 2003 by the Association for Volunteering. The Agency works in many sectors such as sport, culture, youth, environment. Its main functions are:

Agence du Bénévolat
112, boulevard Général Patton
L - 2312 Luxembourg
Tel : +352 26 12 10 30
Fax : +352 26 12 10 20
E-mail: agence.benevolat@pt.lu
Web site: http://www.benevolat.lu

Association du Bénévolat Luxembourg asbl

Web site: http://www.benevolat.lu

Conseil supérieur du Bénévolat

Web site: http://www.benevolat.lu

Other organisations

Edmée Mangers-Anen
PB 2234
1022 Luxemburg
Tel. : +325 402222

Rue Emile Mark 44, B.P. 48
L-4501 Differdange , Luxembourg
Tel. : +352 58 58 55 - 1
Fax: +352 58 55 60
E-mail: gaston.schaber@ceps.lu
Web site: http://www.ceps.lu

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