2024 Olympic Year - Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris

For the past two years, we have been fully supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainians, who were attacked by Russia on February 24, 2022. Every first day of the month a Newsletter testifies our solidarity to Ukraine and all democracies attacked in the world ; the 27th issue was published on 1st of June, 2024 - "Odes to Joy"; all issues are accessible on https://www.iriv-publications.net/?lang=en

The last issue of our electronic review was publised on the 27th of May 2024 -  "rainbow". It celebrates the 20th anniversary of our electronic review (2004-2024). All issues of our electronic review are available on  www.benevolat.net.

The last issue of our Newsletter on Diversity was published the 20th of March 2024 - "diversity in sport". All issues of the Newsletter are available on https://www.superdiversite.net

iriv publishes all the publications of its projects. The eMocc newsletter has been entrusted to iriv. The latest issue was published on 15 March 2024 - Newsletter 4 - eMocc- March 2024 . The French weblog is accessible on-weblog eMocc France.The iriv edits all the final publications of its projects ; the last one is dedicated to a project on diversity Think Diverse- a handbook on creativity to defend diversity. The French weblog addresses a French and Francophone audience- https://think-diverse-france.blogspot.com/

Our Institute has adopted a Charter of secularism. For further information on our publications :  www.iriv-publications.net


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Lectures & presentations by iriv in 2024

The iriv and its president lead or participate in conferences, European seminars or trainings. The president of iriv is a member of two scientific committees - Swiss foundation ECAP (since 2015) and Association Committee of the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC) of Ile de France (since 2017).

For the ECAP, she participates in the scientific committee that will be held the 21st of November 2024 in Zurich.

For the OEC IdF, she participates in the committees "associations" and "corporate social responsibility"; monthly meetings to enrich the associative news and on sustainability (environment, social and governance).

For Faisceau convergent, the president of iriv collaborates with the 2024 festival - 18th to 20th of April 2024, in Bobigny, Seine Saint Denis

For further information on the presentations & communications made by iriv & iriv conseil : http://www.iriv.net/interventions

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EU Projects eMOOC (2021-2024)

iriv conseil is associated to the EU project eMOOC (2021-2024) that it has been testing together with French stakeholders since 20123.

More information on the actions on the ground of iriv - http://www.club-iriv.net and about the topic of diversity on the platform - https://www.superdiversite.net/

For further information :eMoCC https://emocc.eu/ & https://europeanmobilitycareercounseling.blogspot.com/

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